Here is a few questions from to check (if still you have some doubt) if you are a real wargamer...with my own answers.
* Spent at least £500 on figures / tanks - and you get extra kudos for every £500 you've spent
Unfortunaltly, yes...that much...
* Pricked your finger or thumb on a pike block - several times
Yes, Pyrrhus's Army's Pikes...
* Tried at least 10 different rule sets and vowed never to play half of them ever again
* Bought an army off EBay
* Sold an army on EBay
No, I am too affraid that I will instantly regret it.
* spent months painting an army - then used it in anger once
Yes, Republican Roman Army, Pyrrhus Army : lack of players to play against.
* tried several different periods and genres
* dropped a box of figures on the floor from a great height
No, Thanks God.
* lost a battle on the last throw of the dice
Yes. Stupid Duke William getting scarred because of some saxons...
* made at least one enemy for life
No. How could that be ?
* had a proper, stand up argument over a wargamers table
No. I am here to play and have fun...
* thrown a dice across a room
Yes, often...due to the pression to save a figure I spend a lot of time to paint.
* rebased an army for a different rule set
No. I try to avoid it as much as I can.
* inflicted a whopping defeat on an opponent
* suffered an embarrassing defeat due to a stupid tactical decision
Yes, who has not ?
* joined a wargamers club
Yes. Hail "Les Loups du Téméraire"
* bought a ton of lead that remains unpainted
Of course...and it never reduces...
* been to a wargamers show
Yes, Crisis 2012.
* have more dice than is logical or necessary to own - and have used most of them
Not really, but I have a lot because of my roleplaying background.
* have taken boxes of troops down to a club just to show them off to your mates
* You have reference books on each period / army you play (I must have ten samurai books now)
Mostly "internet is my friend" (more money for figures...), but I always do some historical research on troops I will play.
* Having played so many different games you confidently quote rules for a
totally different period, scale or ruleset to the one you're playing at
that moment
No. Not yet.
* You have lied to your partner / spouse about how much you've spent on
the hobby (When my wife saw my painting table, I told her that Vallejo
paints are only 75p each - I'm going to Hell...).
They will be so much wargamers in Hell that we can play forever... ;-)
* You get genuinely excited when a package arrives in the post - then
hide it upstairs quickly before your partner sees it. If your partner
finds it first, you lie about the contents.
It happend maybe... ;-( (hope she will not read my blog... )
* You have joined a re-enactment society (5 points for this one!)
Yes, I was a member of a XII and XIII century medieval re-enactment association : "Les Guerriers du Moyen-Age"
* You have played in an unsuitable venue (I have played in a wooden
pavilion in the middle of winter where we had to keep coats, scarves and
gloves on to play - and in a social club where we used the pool table
as a battlefield (making us the most unpopular people in Wallasey). I
have since vowed only to play where both heat and beer are accessible
and in plentiful supply.
Not yet.
* You continue to search for the perfect Napoleonic / WW2 / Ancients /
ACW etc. rule set (knowing that it doesn't actually exist).
* For that reason you have developed your own house rules for certain
periods. And think them far superior to the original author's efforts.
No. No time for that. Painting, always painting...
* You have returned from a wargames show and sneaked upstairs to hide the stash.
How do you know ? You little spy ! ;-)
* You have an irrational aversion to some genres and vow never to play
them regardless of how much fun they look. Like Dystopian Wars, 6mm
Napoleonics, Warhammer 40k, Malifaux etc.
No. It is one of my problems : I like everything...
* You have made your own wargames scenery.
* You have reached a painting 'wall' ("If I have to paint another f________ Gaul, I'm going to scream")
Yes, but it is always temporary.
* You have lost - and regained - your wargaming mojo.
* You have the occasional (and short lived) sense of guilt with your
wife/children when complaining to them about the money spent in clothes,
shoes or toys/Xbox games when you have £200 of unpainted metal stuffed
in an upstairs drawer.
* You have done armies in different scales for the same period (e.g. ACW in 28mm, 15mm and 6mm).
Yes, WW2 15mm and 28mm. But recently 28mm is my only love.
* You have jealously coveted someone else's troops (if Ian pops his
clogs, I'll be round his house with a Transit van before he hits the
Never think of that.
* You have laughed (secretly or otherwise) as someone else's paint job (Marks' purple camels come to mind)
No, too much respect for the time it takes to paint even badly...
* You have provided a piece of useless trivia relating to the troops on the table to show off your wargaming knowledge.
I am sure it happened.
* You have contradicted someone elses' trivia - demonstrating your superior knowledge and giving you a warm glow inside.
I am sure it happened too.
* You have caused a major disaster on a wargames table (spilling a pint,
collapsing the table, dropped someone else's figures on the floor).
Mark has flattened two tables in the past year - and he was losing both
Not yet. I cross my fingers.
* You have cheered when an opponent's dice lets them down at a critical
point (I have literally danced in front of someone when he failed a
morale roll)
Of course ! that is part of the fun of a game, no ?
* You have lied to your partner about going gaming. "Mothers' not very
well - just popping around to see her. I'll be back in about - oh -
seven hours".
* You have lied to an attractive woman (man) about your hobby.
* You have made an opponent cry. It doesn't count if they are under 8 years old though.
* You have painted the same army in the same scale more than once (Monty, you dawg!)
* You have reference books on armies you haven't even got (I have books
on ECW, ACW, SYW, 30YW yet not one solitary figure for any of these
* You have bought figures for a period you have never and will never
play - because they were cheap. Step forward my HOTT dwarf and evil
goblin armies.
Yes. (ww2 weird war) but I still have hope that one day, I will play.
* You have inflicted grevious bodily harm on a dice that has let you
down. This includes the guy who used to drill holes in them and impale
the offenders on cocktail-stick stakes and Big Lee taking an axe to one
No. I have to much respect for the Gog of Luck.
* You blog or have a web-page about your
Wargaming activities
Yes, as you can see.
* Your book collection is almost all war and wargames related
* You critique 'war' movies (especially Hollywood war movies) for
historical accuracy (like the use of American tanks - Pershings I
think - to represent German Panzers in the 'Battle of the Bulge'.)
* You spend car / train journeys checking out the lie of the land -
considering which way you would attack from and whether it would make
good wargaming terrain.
Yes. Getting inspiration for the scenery...
I think I can conclude that I am one of them ! A real wargamer...
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